Tuesday, May 11, 2004


It's been one of those days, one of those spring days. The meteorologists call them "pop-ups": thunderstorms that seem to appear suddenly in the heat of the late afternoon. They're gone as quickly as they form. It's just been one of those days.

The resume has been faxed. The school is North Hollywood High School, Highly Gifted Magnet (click the three dots by the title of this blog for a link to the school). The high school itself has a student population of around 3400, but the magnet school has around 250 students that have been selected from numerous urban schools based on their prior school performance and their 145+ IQs. This could be the coolest teaching job I've ever had. I guess that's why I want it so much. I would apply for this job even if I wasn't already moving to SoCal.

Ahh, moving to SoCal! That's got such a ring to it. I really just need some separation, to get away from "the South" for a while. Separation: it's what we scientists need to maintain our objectivity and discriminatory detachment. I'm too lost in it all right now to see things clearly.

"The truth is out there," as UFO pundits are wont to say. The trouble with finding it is sorting through everyone's version of it. Our brains are a function of the world, the universe, with which we have been presented up to the present moment. So whether we begin life as a tabula rasa or not, once we set off on a critical evaluation of our universe, we are already writ upon, over and over and over.

What if we could erase what's been written? Could we see everything as with a truly new mind? What would we learn? What would we see? More importantly, what would we believe?

I need to learn something new, see something new, believe something new. I need to start with a sort of agnosticism, but not a categorical agnosticism. Something more like a seeking agnosticism, a pursuing agnosticism. Not the kind of agnosticism that disregards the possibility of knowing. More of an acceptance that some things, especially spiritual things, just can't be known. The pursuing agnostic, however, would pursue those things that can. If God is absolute truth, then the pursuit of truth is the pursuit of God.

Separation. Critical distance. Far enough to see the big picture.

California should do nicely...

for starters!