Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Oh, man. Whoa, hold on! My head's spinning.

I've just heard the new track from U2's upcoming album on the world-famous KROQ.

My wife and I were in Hollywood at the Kodak Theatre (home of the Oscars). We had scored free tickets to see The Ten Commandments musical with Val Kilmer as Moses. (I know, that seemed a little far-fetched to me, too. But he did voice Moses in 1998's Prince of Egypt. Besides, enough people bought him as Batman, I guess we could stretch a little further for Moses!) The show was actually a stunning re-interpretation of the story. Much was adapted for the modern audience, but no harm was done to the overall theme of redemption, deliverance, and an overwhelming sense of the divine urging in the lives of those that God has called out. Enough, this is not a theatre review.

Back to the point. We were on the 101, and I flipped over to K-Rock, and, behold...a blessing to the ears. At first I thought it sounded a bit like a fusion of Depeche Mode and Jet. I could totally see Apple using this song on an iPod commercial. Then, it began to dawn on me...this voice sounded vaguely familiar. When it finally hit me, I turned it full blast and let the music invade.

They're back. And soon a new volume will be added to the Canon. Head to iTunes now and download the first chapter.

Oh, the Acrobat is truly happy, folks. I'm doing backflips.